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Generational Momentum

What does it mean to have generational momentum? Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines momentum as: strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events. In spiritual terms, generational momentum is seen through the intentional sowing (a series of events) by parents into their children. Parents and grandparents have the opportunity to pass down their spiritual DNA, enabling their children and grandchildren the benefit of “standing on their shoulders,” propelling them even further in their walk. God’s blessing pipeline flows through the family unit, with both spiritual and physical wealth being passed down the family line.
GoStrategic’s schools are committed to equipping the next generation of young people discovering their personal and corporate destinies in Christ. One of our greatest joys is witnessing our school alumni put generational transfer into action by encouraging their children’s engagement in the schools as well.

With GoBusiness now in its 28th year and GoLife in its 33rd year, we are seeing second- and even third-generation students enrolled. This generational momentum has birthed wonderful testimonies among families as they grow together and effect their churches, businesses, and communities.
Father-son duo, Justin and Josh Brannon, recently recounted their experience in the School of Business Leadership. Son, Justin, a second-generation GoBusiness Alum shares:
I grew up listening to Dennis Peacocke’s CDs as I went with my dad about whatever business he had for the day. I remember thinking, “Wow, this Dennis guy is intense and sounds pretty serious.” I attended my first Transforum in Indianapolis sometime around 2010 and felt like I had been invited into this elite club of big thinkers who were set on solving the world’s problems. I didn’t understand much of what was discussed at the time, but I was excited to be a part of it. From there, I entered GoBusiness where I dove into all the material I had been around but hadn’t yet participated in. I wrestled with concepts like “God pays for what He orders”, “the mind justifies what the heart has chosen,” “power is guarded by problems,” etc. These, along with many others, are concepts that I continue to wrestle with and apply in my family, work, and relationships where I lead. Having my dad, who has been connected to GoStrategic for nearly 20 years, be there to help me continue wrestling with things I’ve learned from GoBusiness is instrumental to my walk with the Lord and the impact I hope to have on the world.
Justin’s father, Josh, reflects:

I have been through the business school multiple times and have been greatly impacted by the material. But I had already been indoctrinated in Pharaoh’s ways. My sons have gone through the school with the benefit of my experience and without being clouded by the world’s way of doing business. It has been a blessing to see them wrestle with and apply the lessons learned from the business school to our company and see them free to think about “Doing Business God’s Way” with less baggage and fewer hindrances. I believe they will see the fruit of this in ways I have yet to imagine!”
Scott and Gail Jones are longtime alumni with a large family who have consistently taken their children, as well as other homeschool families, through the GoLife courses. Their adult daughter, Hannah (Jones) McClain, shares:
GoLife played an impactful role in my life and my walk with Christ. It reaffirmed the foundation that my parents had instilled in me and gave me the tools to not only understand what I believe but why I believe it. And finally, it gave me a vision for who God created me to be and the ability to walk out an intentional, purpose-filled life.”
The Holmyard family has also been immersed in the schools for many years. David and Natalie have taken their daughters and sons-in-law through the courses. Natalie tells about their shared experience:

To be able to go through the schools together with your children and lay that common framework—that common foundation of principles and values and language gave us a really sure footing with which to work from. The teenage years and into those young adulthood years can be quite difficult. And to know that we had that ability to be able to call on something that was much bigger than our own thoughts, and we both had access to that material, and we both were able to hold each other to account for some of those things—it was powerful. It gave our kids the ability to have a confidence to speak with us about things on a much deeper level.”
Daughter, Maddeline (Holmyard) Schloss, agrees:
It was almost like a coming-of-age moment… The example of having your parents do it and have it transform their lives—you actually see what it has done in mom and dad for the last 10 years, what it’s done to everyone around them. And then the excitement of, wow, what’s it going to do through me, in my surrender to do these materials?
Natalie continues:
I highly recommend that you do the schools with your family, with your husband, with your wife, because it will be the greatest common work you ever put your hand to. And don’t just do it once, do it over and over again, and then facilitate other people through the schools. It will be the greatest unifying work in the Kingdom.”
Husband, David Holmyard, concludes:
I would highly recommend doing any of the schools, any of the materials with your family. Dennis reminds us always that the Lord is “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” And if we are not thinking that this is a wealth that we need to transfer to our family, then I’m not sure what we’re thinking. This is an incredible wealth. It’s how we transform our minds. It’s how we change our lives and bring it into alignment with the Kingdom. And without this, how are we going to do it? So, in my mind, there’s no other way of achieving what we want to achieve and what we think God’s called us to achieve without doing something. And why wouldn’t you do it with your family? It’s just a blast!”
We invite you to click the links below to learn more about GoStrategic’s schools. CLICK HERE for info on our Peer & Family Model, a dynamic group option that allows parents to share in the school experience with their teen/young-adult children, who also receive the benefit of separate meetings with peers in their age group.

GoLife is focused on biblical worldview education and empowering Christ-followers to think critically and become problem-solvers and influencers in the culture.
45th Anniversary Video
GoStrategic celebrated its 45th anniversary this summer! Enjoy this short video from Founders Dennis & Jan Peacocke and CEO Katherine Gallagher, showcasing ministry photos and highlights:
