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Our Dose of Historic Reality
Several years ago, Jan and I went on a trip to the Normandy area of France with some dear friends. It was a wonderful trip, especially in that we had the opportunity to engage so much historical information, both from a European perspective, as well as to touch the American investments made in 1944 regarding…
Truth and Context
“The first to plead his case seems right until another comes and examines him.” —Proverbs 18:17 We are a divided nation. What it will take to begin to unify us again remains to be seen. Our upcoming election will only divide us further. Identity politics has done exactly what it was designed by the Left…
“Ain’t It the Truth? Ain’t It the Truth?”
“For each one shall bear his own load.” —Galatians 6:5 What a Bible verse! Please, Paul, isn’t there some way you can make this observation a little more nuanced or complex? So starkly stated, we have no legitimate way to obscure the nakedness of such a truth. Indeed, I laughed for some time the other…