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Core Message Highlight

  • Core Message Highlight: Transformational Leadership

    Core Message Highlight: Transformational Leadership

    Core Message Highlight: Transformational Leadership A transformational leader is someone who has been and continues to be personally transformed into Christ-likeness and, in turn, stimulates transformation in their families and communities. The world would say that change happens from the top-down and outside-in. We believe change best begins with the individual and flows from the…

  • Core Message Highlight: Presuppositional Thinking

    Core Message Highlight: Presuppositional Thinking

    The mind justifies what the heart has chosen. This simple maxim unlocks the essence of human decision-making. Within our hearts lies our true motives, agendas, and underlying assumptions. Our hearts determine our character and what kind of person we will be. As evidenced by hundreds of Scriptures, it is vital in our Christian walk to…