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We believe cultural transformation starts with you. That’s why we have dedicated our lives to equipping believers to be leaders in the communities where they live, work, and serve. Every believer – whether you are a business professional, a parent, or a pastor – shares the mission of bringing God’s kingdom to earth. Our materials and schools specialize in bridging the gap between spiritual truth, and the practical implementation of those truths in confronting real-world problems.
We have materials for individual study and personal growth, events for in-person training and collaboration, as well as our facilitated schools. GoStrategic’s Schools are an international learning mechanism that challenges Christians who have the desire to see God’s Kingdom manifested in all areas of human endeavor (John 3:3). Through the format of relationally based correspondence courses, GoStrategic trains students from all walks of life and many nations. These courses provide unparalleled distance learning for those committed to ongoing transformation. Our courses combine the latest in online learning management software with personal facilitation. Through our partnership with CLST Global graduates of our programs can turn their learning experience through GoStrategic into an associates, bachelors or even masters in theology degree.

Transformed Lives through the GoStrategic Schools
JON: “The School of Strategic Living and the School of Business Leadership provided a solid life foundation for me in many ways. Through a core emphasis on worldview, I learned how to read the Bible with an understanding of the intersection between God’s ways and character. I found fuel for my journey of seeing how Biblical principles were not rules, but actually a brilliant reflection of Heaven crafted for our benefit. My eyes were opened to the foundational concept that truth and relationship go hand in hand, where I learned how to give and receive correction, understanding and guidance. To say that both GoLife and GoBusiness have had a profound impact on my parenting would be an understatement. Finally, all of this has allowed me to realize that truth is life. If what we know isn’t life giving, changing our daily walk, impacting our family, and making a difference in the world around us, we should pause and ask whether we are following the “what of truth” or living life walking with and guided by the “Author of Truth. “<

MARY: ” The School of Strategic Living and the School of Business Leadership have provided a launching pad for me to mature as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. As a journalist, the courses provided me with a biblical framework to discern the various topics I write about. I’ve learned to read Scripture through the lens of my calling and value those mentors and coaches God has sovereignly placed in my life to help me correctly apply His Word. Most importantly, my view of God’s ways and His work on the earth, and my place in that work, has deepened and expanded. This has set me on a path of discovery and given me a new sense of joy and vision as I walk out my calling as a wife, mother, teacher, and a writer.”