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GoStrategic’s worldview resources establish an internal foundation based on the timeless axioms and presuppositions of the Kingdom of God with solutions that bring health and freedom to individuals, families, communities, and nations.

For many people, the term “worldview” brings to mind matters of comparative religion and apologetics. Our approach goes a step further, addressing not just WHAT a person believes but WHY they believe it. With an emphasis on developing critical-thinking skills and conscious alignment with the truth of the Bible, you will become equipped with the tools to discern the root of any issue and dissect complex problems with ease!

The Worldview Series

Are you truly living a life aligned with your Christian faith, or is your worldview holding you back? In the Worldview Series, we delve into the profound significance of a Christian worldview and how it is a central component of your relationship with Jesus. This series serves as your essential guide to presuppositional thinking and a roadmap for aligning your worldview with God’s truth.

Learn how your worldview influences your thinking and lifestyle, and equip yourself with simple tools that will produce genuine transformation and lasting fruit. Real change cannot occur without a deep understanding of the beliefs and motivations that drive our choices, actions, and relationships. By learning how to think critically and analyze information—whether from the media or in conversations with others—you’ll be able to address difficult issues and life situations with confidence. Join us on this journey of renewed commitment to living a Christian life rooted in a biblical worldview. It’s time to reshape your perspective, invigorate your faith, and embark on a thoughtful journey that will have a lasting impact not only on your personal life but the world around you.

The book, audio/video series, and free Bible App plan are available below in multiple formats and languages:

Worldview Book

Worldview: A Handbook for Biblical Thinking and Lifestyle: This pocket-sized book is rich in content but a short, easy read! Written by Katherine Gallagher based on audio teachings by Adam Peacocke, Dennis Peacocke, and Katherine Gallagher. Reflective study questions are provided at the end of each chapter for personal use or small group study. View book sample. Available in the following formats and languages:

Worldview Audio/Video Series

Great for small-groups and individuals, this 8-part audio or video series is a companion to the Worldview book, providing a more detailed examination of the topics. Listen as Katherine Gallagher and Adam Peacocke explore presuppositional worldview in depth, offering practical understanding and analysis tools applicable to everyday life. The series concludes with a panel discussion where the speakers are joined by GoStrategic Founder, Dennis Peacocke. View video preview. Available in the following formats and languages:







Free 9-Day Devotional in the YouVersion Bible App:

How to Build a Christian Worldview

This classic series by GoStrategic Founder, Dennis Peacocke, addresses our view of the cosmos, the church, mankind, and society. 7-Part Audio Series with Notes

Your worldview largely determines how you live your life. It’s that important! Most people don’t know what a worldview is, let alone the fact that they operate according to one every day, even though they are not conscious of it. This series addresses how you view the cosmos, the church, mankind, and society.

Every human being on earth operates with a set of axioms and presuppositions. Axioms are the most basic principles, underlying beliefs, and concepts that form a person’s thinking. Presuppositions are the underlying assumptions about the nature of reality that affect how someone approaches thinking about any particular idea. Together, these create our worldview. A key determiner of these beliefs resides in our hearts.

Are you ready to take your study and application of Christian worldview to the next level? GoStrategic’s School of Strategic Living equips participants to think biblically, live strategically and lead effectively with in-depth online courses combined with facilitated group meetings conveniently designed to fit into the busy lives of working professionals and full-time students.