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Citizen Education 101 MP3

Citizen Education 101 MP3

(1 customer review)

The Citizen Education Course 101 by Dennis Peacocke is a principle based approach to public policy and citizenship. It examines the master principles and concepts necessary for sustainable prosperity and every believer’s call to discipling the nations. Includes 8 audio teachings & student workbook.


The Citizen Education Course 101 by Dennis Peacocke is a principle based approach to public policy and citizenship. It examines the master principles and concepts necessary for sustainable prosperity and every believer’s call to discipling the nations. Includes 8 audio teachings & student guide.
Teachings Include:

Lesson 1: Discipling Nations and the Great Commission
Lesson 2: Principle-Based Public Policy: Ten Master Principles
Lesson 3: Worldview and Social Structure: What Holds Us Together
Lesson 4: Transcendence, Self-Government and Service-Based Power
Lesson 5: The Nuclear Family, Jurisdictional Government and Localism
Lesson 6: Limits, Justice-Equality and Results-Based Reality
Lesson 7: The Bridge of Trust Holds It All Together
Lesson 8: How Do We Fix The Broken System?