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2018 Dallas Statesmen Event
Five years of work was revealed at the annual gathering of The Statesman Project in Dallas, Texas this September 6th-8th. The theme of the event was “Generational Momentum.” Many attendees came with sons and daughters who are working in ministry with them. It was wonderful to see such a broad representation of second-generation momentum! All were there to be aided in their quest to know the times and find where they can fruitfully serve the Lord’s purposes.

Thursday evening, Dennis Peacocke opened the conference. He shared, “We have made a common commitment that from now on, The Statesmen Project will proceed with generational linkage and a mutual engagement, especially in terms of educational training that includes us all.”
Dr. Mark Chironna spoke later that evening, drawing from both his experience as a pastor and his education in psychology. He asked three thought-provoking questions: “What is Jesus up to?” “Where is He going?” and “Am I going with Jesus?” He referenced much in the history of the Church and gave a compelling overview of the history of psychology and philosophy as it relates to modern Christianity.

Friday morning, there were two messages on global public-policy issues. First, Uli Kortsch, an expert on the monetary system, broke down into simple definitions the complex economic and currency issues in the context of money and power—two of the three basic human drives. One very telling explanation of a major problem was how the US government defines its debt. The debt this year is the sum of all debt payments that need to be made this year; it is not the total amounts of all the debt obligations there are. That is the same as saying that your mortgage is only the sum of this year’s payments, not the total principle you owe. What a source of “TRUE” misinformation! What is not sustainable will not sustain; it will stop!
Next was Marc Nuttle, known for his expertise in political/economic forecasting. He drew a picture of the vast power of the United States on the world stage in significant measures of political and economic power. How will we use it? What are our responsibilities for the good of the peoples of God’s creation? We must learn about God’s purpose and our role in it. The United States consumes 50% of everything—market share, currency, even the language used diplomatically, commercially, and for air traffic control. Our role as the Church is to leverage this power for the good of all. The United States has been blessed through its core competency from Christianity. We must share this competency.
Well-known author and teacher, Dutch Sheets, a member of the Statesmen founding committee, shared in his masterful way that we need to hear and obey. Jesus, as the Son of Man, is our Shepherd and personal Savior. As the Son of God, He is Lord of the nations, and in Matthew 28, He commissions His Church to disciple nations in His ways.

Friday evening, service was a prayer convocation lead by the anointed teacher, Dr. Patti Amsden, to introduce the group to a format she has developed that connects intercession with music, Scripture reading, and well-researched declarations wherein we declare the word of God as it applies to current events. You might say it is a verbal vote to apply God’s principles to the issues of the day.
Saturday morning, theologian and semiotician, Dr. Leonard Sweet, shared two sessions on “The 21st Century and Change.” He described today’s fundamental heresy as an assumption that the trees that move the wind rather than the wind moving the trees. His style is quite entertaining while being provocative of thought and full of substantiating information. He spoke about the future of technology and the Church’s role in it. The rapid pace of modern technological development presents opportunities of tremendous power. Our freedom of creativity can be used for good, or it can be used for evil and enabling the democratization of the demonic. We must learn to think and talk very differently in this culture, though God’s truths remain. As with sourdough bread, the starter is old, but the bread is fresh.
Between the main sessions, attendees met in Focus Groups where they built upon the synergistic efforts of past years:
- The Jurisdictional Ekklesia Prayer Group worked on further organizational development. Prayer, the undergirding of all Kingdom pursuits, demonstrated its fruit in the Friday evening service.
- The Public Policy Issues Group in its mission to deliver principle-based ideas for national public policy, dealt with various subjects such as global economics and leadership, which they shared with the group at large in the Friday-morning plenaries.
- The Community Transformation & Community Action Councils Group gave a broad spectrum of reports on the local needs of communities and relief efforts for the many natural disasters that have occurred. This is an area of particular opportunity to show God’s mercy to people. The general session plenary for this group was given by remote guest speaker, Soma Stout, on healthcare options to address the broken system in the United States. Emphasis was placed on what can be done by changing the medical community’s focus and the public’s understanding of how we can promote our health through mercy, compassion, and individual responsibility.
- The Citizen Education Group is aiding in the development of the School of Kingdom Citizenship with a beta group working through the materials this autumn. Knowledge and understanding are the foundation for belief and action. With a strong worldview at the curriculum’s core, it is positioned for many fruitful applications.
In addition to participating in the main Focus Groups, attendees also broke out into various other configurations, such as the connecting of our international participants. In the Friday evening services, Dr. Mark Beliles, President of the Global Transformation Network, introduced the international guests, many of whom were there in response to his years of ministry training in their respective countries. There is a harvest of applying God’s methodology of “line upon line, precept upon precept” (Isaiah 28:9-10).

In the closing session Saturday evening, Dennis Peacocke reflected on the Holy Spirit’s work in the sessions while sharing a vision for The Statesmen Project in 2019 and beyond. This year’s event highlighted the growth in each Focus Group and in the strategic alliances being made among existing organizations which broaden and strengthen the movement. We closed receiving the blessing of Communion, a recognition of the greatest expression of God’s love for His people. Freely we have received, thus freely we give and see the value of these partnerships to further the work of His Kingdom.
Investing in Communities Globally
“The call to disciple nations is global. We already are working with many nations and are believing that in the future, this worldwide movement to disciple nations will come together to collaborate and become even more effective. Out of this collaboration will come the alignment of public policy wherein Kingdom principles will heavily influence the nations whatever their ethnic histories maybe.” —Dennis Peacocke at the Generational Momentum Statesmen Event
This statement speaks of the unity in diversity that characterizes the Kingdom of God. God made many nations because He wanted many nations. God’s unity comes from having one Spirit rather than one polity (area of political government). This is the foundational understanding of The Statesmen Project.
We certainly did see this at the September 2018 Statesmen event in Dallas, Texas where, in addition to the United States, 9 other nations were represented: Boliva, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and the Netherlands. There were stories galore, but one that melds so much of the Kingdom applications stood out.
In Ecuador, one of the least acknowledged indigenous tribes has made an outstanding achievement. They founded a bank to serve their community. General Manager, Pedro Khipo Pilco states, “We promote projects to further economic development, encourage a lifestyle of savings, and push for investment in specific areas or to provide more jobs.” This is highly significant as the members of the Public Policy Focus Group can tell you from their growing understanding of financial systems and how they steer the direction of a country.

The ability to develop as a nation without incurring growing debt is highly desirable. From the sacrifice of their own poverty (Luke 21:3), the founders contributed $3,000 as seed money to start what we would call a credit union. They have grown to one of the largest banks in Ecuador with 15 branches serving the communities of their nation. Now they are looking for investors in their free-enterprise model of community development.
Daquilema Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito is based on a biblical understanding of the curse of debt which informs their policies and goals. Their financial representatives counsel individuals as to all their options. They make loans where other banks say no. They are happily part of the growth of free enterprise from the bottom-up rather than going into debt to create a large, top-down enterprise. This typically means that the lender has profit as their “bottom line.” With the bottom-up approach, they foster free enterprise and individuals’ entrepreneurial spirits to produce prosperity and jobs in their communities.
When we buy, we frequently want to “skip the middle man.” Favoring local and family structures is a way to avoid the penalties in the hierarchy of profits in the financial world.
When we take a stand on truths such as “debt is a curse,” we find we strengthen parts of a nations that have been weakened by debt and we create a synergy of prosperity and individual growth.
Microenterprise is a favorite “charity” at the moment, but building the infrastructure for a community so it can provide opportunities to its own members is even more strengthening; it allows civic leadership to be developed and integrity to be produced in the community.
A nation is made of many forms of government and the synergy between them is the basis of its strength and prosperity. Understanding this and helping apply it to the vast diversity of people groups is what discipling nations is all about!
March 28-30, 2019 – Santa Rosa, California
Transforum 2019 – Save the Date!
We Appreciate Your Prayers for:
- The Statesmen Project, its work on Community Action Councils, the SENDA Citizen Education Project, and the building of national prayer teams.
- The formation of GoStrategic’s School of Kingdom Citizenship
- The translation of On the Destiny of Nations into Spanish.
- Continued success in the relaunch of our schools in their new online format.
- Prayer covering over GoStrategics’s staff, board, school facilitators, and students in the US and abroad.
Thank you for your faithful prayers & support!

GoStrategic: | 707.578.7700 | 1221 Farmers Lane, Suite E, Santa Rosa, CA 94931 | |